Promoting understanding and recognition of Maritime and Long Range Patrol operations and their impact on military aviation.
The position of Patron of the VP International (VPI) Association exists to promote and support the values, goals and activities of VPI and when required, to approve the appointment of a serving aircrew VPI member to the position of President of VPI. The Patron is normally the officer who has been appointed as Wing Commander of 14 Wing, Greenwood, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Eligibility: Full membership shall be extended to all aircrew who have graduated from a VP aircrew training program and have been assigned to a VP squadron. The signature of the applicant shall be accepted as a certification of eligibility. Full membership in VPI continues for the member’s lifetime.
Initiation Fee: The initiation fee for all applicants shall be established and promulgated by the President. The initiation fee covers the cost of the first VPI pin, membership scroll, membership card, and a flight suit crest. In addition, members receive a copy of each published Maritime Patrol Aviation magazine as it is issued.
Dues: Members are not required to pay annual dues to the International Headquarters. Individual Wings may, however, include annual dues in their Wing Constitution.
Honorary Membership: In consultation with the Patron, the President of VPI may award honorary membership to individuals who meet the criteria identified in the Charter. Honorary VPI members shall receive the Blue pin, membership scroll, and membership card. They shall also receive the Maritime Patrol Aviation magazine as it is issued.
Pins: Upon enrolment in VPI, the member will be provided with the first VPI pin in accordance with the criteria listed here:Operation: Wings will elect their own executive and develop their own constitution. A copy of their constitution must be forwarded to the International HQ for ratification. Once ratification of the constitution is done, an official Wing Charter will be drawn up and presented to the new wing. Copies of the official charters are available on request from the International HQ, if required. Wings are responsible for keeping their members informed of current and future activities and for submitting the reports specified in their Charter to the International HQ.
Wing Presidents: Meetings of VPI Wing Presidents will be held on an opportunity basis as directed by International HQ and usually occurs during the VPI Reunions.
Wings: Meetings of local Wings will be as laid out in individual constitutions.